Project-based Education: a Cross-curricular Solution to a Complex Problem

Are you looking for an education method that allows students to tackle complex, interdisciplinary or cross-curricular issues? Do you want to enhance the integration of content and skills on the long term? Project-based education is a strong education method to reach these goals!

What is project-based education?

A project is an education method in which students learn over a longer period by studying and responding to complex questions, problems or challenges. Project-based education can take shape as independent work or group work with a strong emphasis on integrating content and skills of various course units. 

Students perform a series of activities without permanent supervision, leading to a final product which is presented for evaluation. 

A specific example is a research project, during which students have to independently design a study and / or conduct it under supervision. This method shows the student whether they are capable of phrasing a research question, processing the field literature, developing an appropriate methodology and interpreting, reporting and evaluating the results of existing / own research. This thesis or design can constitute the final part of a study programme, for example as a Master’s thesis. 

How can you implement project-based education?  

A project ensures students work in an integrated manner. This education method facilitates developing final competencies such as problem-solving, critical thinking, cooperating and communicating, as well as creating and innovating. Project-based education can take place both within and outside of university premises.  

Which focus areas exist for project-based education?  

Consult with lecturers of the course units. 

A clear assignment and proper supervision throughout the project with proper feedback during the process are crucial to reach good learning effects. When project work is implemented in a cross-curricular / interdisciplinary way, a thorough alignment of, and cooperation between, lecturers is vital. 

Provide a manual 

A student manual is a good tool to support the process. Provide a project description, final and midterm products, a schedule, obligatory and suggested literature, evaluation criteria and contact details of responsible project supervisors. 

Use technology 

Technology can support cooperation between students. As a digital learning environment, Ufora enables e.g. editing documents as a group or setting up peer evaluation

Pay attention to the group, role and task allocation.  

The composition and size of the groups is a key to success for this educational method. Assigning roles and allocating clearly defined subtasks helps to align group work with the project. 

Provide supervision 

Supervise the students actively during e.g. feedback sessions and pay attention to both the product and the process. 

Why is Community Service Learning a special type of project-based education?  

Community Service Learning (CSL) is a form of education where students apply the theory during a concrete social engagement, individually or in a group, within or outside the university walls (e.g., Industrial sciences students make a tool for a person with a disability). This service is part of the course unit. 

This way, students are made aware of real needs within society. Knowledge sharing and reciprocity are therefore central. Not only does the student learn, but the organisation also benefits from the students’ assistance in their specific request. In addition, students are encouraged to reflect critically on their social contribution and their learning process. 

More on CSL.

Do you want to know more? 

Read the sources upon which this educational tip is based: 

  • Bell, S. (2010). Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 83(2,), 39-43.
  • BV Databank. (2015). Project work. Consulted on 11/10/2019 via 
  • Buck Institute for Education. (z.d.). PBLworks. Consulted on 11/10/2019 via 


UGent Practices

Last modified July 3, 2024, 9:34 a.m.