Education Based on Excellent Research

An explicit reflection and a policy is expected from every study programme with regard to the way in which it contributes to the realisation of the six strategic educational objectives of Ghent University. One of these six objectives is ‘Education based on excellent research’. 

The university-wide vision 

Ghent University wants to provide education that ties in as closely as possible with the dynamics of scientific research. Scientific creativity is strongly related to the ability to illuminate problems from different (diverging) perspectives, to organise known data in a new way, to think outside the box. This way, Ghent University wants to provide education that facilitates the creation of new knowledge and insights. 

Education based on excellent research in a study programme 

The Programme Committee is the body that shapes the programme and that makes well-considered choices with regard to the way in which this education objective is achieved in the programme. Naturally, these choices are in line with the specific context and individuality of the programme. In any case, the Programme Committee monitors the scientific basis of the programme and ensures that the programme is in line with recent developments in the field

A programme can realise education based on excellent research in many different ways: 

  • The annual appointment of lecturers is prepared by the Programme Committee. Both the requesting Programme Committee and the supplying departments pay attention to an optimal link between the available research expertise and the course units. 
  • It is good practice to systematically bring students into contact with scientific literature and to stimulate them to process, critically discuss, etc. 
  • The Programme Committee can encourage lecturers to update their course units on the basis of recent scientific insights and innovative research. Special attention can be paid to own research results. This generates enthusiasm among students and facilitates the transfer of knowledge. 
  • Master’s dissertation topics can be linked to current (doctoral) research. A format can be used that can lead to a form of scientific output. 
  • In the programme, students learn to set up their own research via an integrated research learning path
  • The study programme can embed/make a learning track visible for research integrity in the study programme instilling an attitude of research integrity among students and maintaining it. 

Have a look at the 7 knowledge clips on (Re)search tips about research integrity. Here you will find a lot of ready to use learning materials that you can use in the study program such as PowerPoints, video's and excersices.

Last modified March 30, 2022, 10:34 a.m.